Thursday, August 6, 2009


What a day it was with the Chicago Ultrarunners Group (CHUG). From a relatively new runners perspective let me give one of the reasons I have become an avid runner. The CHUGs like most other runners I've met are delightfully friendly. Everyone I met runners, walkers, watchers, supporters.., the whole lot was a mass of positive smiling people with a humble down to earth quality that made it easy to talk with them. This doesn't imply they are simple, I am amazed at the Techno Savvy of many of the CHUG members. WOW!!!

This group of runners has a list of ultra running accomplishments that astound me. It seems to be quite a mix of ultra veterans and newbies like myself. A group where anyone would feel welcome.

Now for the details of the event. Sunburn 6 was organized by Briam Gaines as a "Fat Ass" type event. The whole concept of as Fat Ass is to get back to the basics and to simply run without most of the hoopla and fanfare of the bigname ultra runs. Most of the time it simply means low cost easy entry ultra run. However Brian didn't skimp on any details there was registration, a website with video tour of the path and even a live webcast. The fee was $0. NADA! Zilch! The course was a nice 2.28 mile loop on a crushed stone path that was easy on the feet. Each runner submitted a "Goal milage" for the day. There was no pressure to run a certain pace or distance. Everyone had their own specific goal for the day and six hours if they chose to run that long. The pavilion/ Aid Station had ample room complete with nearby restroom accomodations TO MAKE ANY RUNNING EVENT JEALOUS.

In my case, I had an initial goal of 20 - 30 miles. However, like most things I do, there are always adjustments. I ended up telling myself that 6 - 12 would be enough for the day with my current running schedule and race plans. But that Darn tally sheet kept staring me in the face everytime I logged my lap. I'll just say that I ended up doing close to my original goal, and had a great time while getting the miles in. Get this, I even had a chance to run in the rain. Nothing is better than a good spattering of light rain on a run like that.

The people who ran that I've met... Ian, Brian, Kelly, Paige, Geof, Deb, Keith, Jason, Torey, Jerret, it was great to see and talk to you all again.

The runners I met for the first time... and hopefully I can remember most of the names... Bill, Tony, Sarah, Ben, Vishal, Connie, Amit, Matt, Adrian, Leslie, Jim, Senator Brett & boys, Nick at the score table, Deanna, Louise, Gregg, Leslie, Rich, Paul, Craig, Bill, Ken, Dennis, Steve, Donna, David, Mike... I know there are more. It was a pleasure to meet you.

In all the Sunburn 6 was a SMASH. The weather was Super, the running conditions great, and it ended with a great lunch and laughs. Thanks again Brian and your wonderful assistant Kelly, and all those who gave you support.

Runwild! Runfree! Runstrong!

1 comment:

  1. You're a good writer so I'm glad you decided to enter the blogosphere!

    It was great meeting you at Sunburn and thanks for taking the time to walk with me. Every time I heard your tunes in the distance, I would get a big smile on my face because I knew you'd be coming by, running free & strong like a child with no cares.

    Best to you in the future & looking forward to sharing more events with you!

    Happy trails,

    Connie :)
